Data-driven testing in Selenium and TestNG

Data-driven testing is a popular testing approach that allows you to test your application using a variety of test data sets. Selenium is a popular automation testing tool, and TestNG is a testing framework that is commonly used with Selenium for test automation. Here are the steps to perform data-driven testing in Selenium using TestNG:

Create a data source: First, you need to create a data source from where you can read the test data. The data source can be an Excel spreadsheet, CSV file, database, or any other format that you can read using Java code.

Prepare TestNG test methods: You need to prepare TestNG test methods that you want to execute with the test data. These test methods should take input parameters that match the test data columns.

Use TestNG data provider: TestNG provides a feature called data providers that allow you to pass test data to your test methods. You can use the @DataProvider annotation to specify the data provider method that will supply the test data.

Read test data in data provider method: In the data provider method, you need to read the test data from the data source and return it as a two-dimensional object array.

Pass test data to test methods: Once you have the test data in the data provider method, you can pass it to your test methods as input parameters using the @Test annotation.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates data-driven testing in Selenium using TestNG:

@DataProvider(name = “testData”)
public Object[][] testData() {
// read test data from a data source and return as a two-dimensional object array

@Test(dataProvider = “testData”)
public void testLogin(String username, String password) {
// execute login test with username and password input parameters

In this example, the testData() method reads the test data from a data source and returns it as a two-dimensional object array. The testLogin() method is a TestNG test method that takes two input parameters, username and password, which are supplied by the data provider method. TestNG will execute this test method with each set of test data returned by the data provider method.

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